Also We manufacture thermal insulation covers for all kinds of WHIRLPOOLS and swimming pools
Because we are Producers, We Can Satisfy our Customers with Their Distinctive requirements That Arise From Their Individual needs and specific location of WHIRLPOOLS.
Our cover to give your hydromas_�n�mu pool, jacuzzi Hallmark of Quality and Luxury.
Almost 90% of the heat escapes through the surface of the water. The use of thermo-insulating hot tub cover LOSSES proposition and significantly reduce water Remains Even warm in cold weather. THUS significantly saving on the cost of ever-zdra�uj�c� energy, your investment will soon be back.
Insulating cover whirlpool Protects from coarse impurities such as Microsoft leaves, pine needles, pollen, insects, rain, snow, etc. Such impurities Excessive burden filter device, Which leads to Excessive wear. Using the cover indoors to Prevent water pollution by dust but most will Prevent moisture from condensation and vapor. Insulating cover Will Also Increase the security of your hot tub, Which is handy if you have small children at home.
For the production of the cover WHIRLPOOLS we use high quality and proven materials. Thereby Achieving excellent insulating properties. Our products are characterized by excellent workmanship, Which our Customers greatly appreciate. We use synthetic leather resistant to frost and UV rays, insulating fittings Made of polystyrene, sealed in plastic foil and reinforced with aluminum "U" profiles, Which give our products the Necessary strength and are resistant to rust.
Thanks to our cover and insulate hot tubs, water cools the hot tub about 3 supne per day. This heater Heats 3 kilowatts per hour of operation. This makes Them very energy-efficient hot tubs. Heating Costs WHIRLPOOLS or about 3 kilowatts per day, Which is When The full legal standard of about 12 CZK per day, although That is still hot tub ready and has 36 degrees.